Performance Installation 13min

Multiple materials


By the decision of my family, I had nose plastic surgery in 2015. In 2018-2019, I did a performance called “0.5 €/1¥ Touch a Fake Nose”, and for the first time I experienced that I accepted my identity as “The girl who had plastic surgery”. And in this project, the topic of plastic surgery was presented in the way of street performance. Standing on a pedestrian street passerby’s unwillingly participated in my performance. In 2020 I did 250 handmade white ceramic noses molded by the shape of my nose over the coure of a month. Whose nose is this nose? What kind of nose is a good nose? Who is deciding what looks good?

This project is divided into three parts.

The first part: “Tourist guide”. Linxi wears a red outfit, as if she were the doll she made and is holding a microphone. As a tour guide, she will introduce “linxi” to everyone in the third person and guide everyone. Visit “linxiland”!

The second part: Consulting room. There are three girls from different countries, one is standing in front of a pink wall and randomly pulls out a ceramic nose from the wall (made with a cast of Linxi’s nose). She asks the other two girls: “Do you think it’s a beautiful nose?” The two girls got up in the veils and immediately replied: “YES / NO”. If the answers are the same, she puts her nose to the wall. If the answer is different, she smashes it with a pink hammer. The cycle continues for three minutes.

The third part: Operating room. The doctor asked the “clients” sitting in the chair what they thought about it, then took turns performing plastic surgery.



第一部分“导游”。LINXI穿着一身红色的衣服(和她做的玩偶一样)拿着麦克风,作为导游,她将以第三人称向大家介绍 “linxi”,并引导大家参观 “linxiland”。

第二部分“咨询室”。三个来自不同国家的女性,其中一个站在粉红色的墙壁前,随机从墙上拿下一个陶瓷鼻子(用LINXI的鼻子翻模而成),并她问另外两个女孩。”你觉得这是个漂亮的鼻子吗?” 两个女孩随机回答。”YES / NO”。如果答案相同,她就把鼻子放回墙上。如果答案不同,她则用粉红色的锤子把它砸碎。以此循环,持续三分钟。

第三部分“手术室”。医生轮流询问坐在椅子上的 “客户 “的整形需求,然后对其进行整形手术。

Special thanks for:Emilie MEILLAUD, Gabriel RETIF, Luisa Calvo-Rodriguez, Yao Tan

Photography : Thea Malhie