Installation | 6m × 4.5m

acrylic paint 50cm × 65cm 60 pieces


“Make your private parts more pink.” It’s a advertisement I saw in the toilet of a plastic surgery hospital.
Therefor I started searching the definition of pink. I took a random sample of 60 of the four major ethnic groups from a porn site and picked their color of vulva.

In the first version, I used four acrylic colors: vermillion, lemon yellow, cobalt blue, and titanium white to mix up all the colors she cut from the screen by herself on paper. And tired two orders way: firstly I arranged those colors from top to bottom, in descending order from dark to light. for pink, and pinker. secondly, I put them in random order.Through this process, I find that I’m more interested in color itself. In the second version, I used foam instead of paper to make these colors more matte, textured, and stroked.

(This project also participated in the street exhibition in La Roche-Sur-Yon, France in 2021, and create a lot of discussion)


什么是粉色?于是我开始寻找粉色的定义。 我从一个色情网站上随机抽取了 60个人类4大人种的女性阴部样本,并提取了她们的外阴颜色。

在第一个版本中,我用了四种丙烯颜色:朱红色、柠檬黄、钴蓝和钛白,自己对照样本调出了所有颜色。 并尝试了两种排列方式:1.用这些颜色由从深到浅的顺序从上至下排列。2. 随机排列。

通过这个过程,我发现我对颜色本身更感兴趣。 在第二个版本中,我使用高密度海绵替代了纸作为媒介,使这些颜色更加哑光、增加纹理和想要抚摸的质感。

(这个项目也参加了2021法国La Roche-Sur-Yon 的街头展览,现场引起了很多讨论