Performance Installation 35min

Multiple materials

Dals Långed,Sweden


The inspiration came from a conflict between my mother and me. We had been arguing for many years about what a woman should look like. For me, this work is a response to that argument, to my mother, and to this question. During the performance, the border between private and public, real and fantasy is blurred. And I build a contradictory and various world by jumping in between those parts.

There are five parts in the performance: the first part happens in “Linxi’s garden”, Linxi has a monologue from the two perspectives of “Sweet girls” and “feminism”. The second and fourth parts are the “Perfect Housewife”, a group of three women who first repeatedly do housework and then destroy everything in the fourth part. For the third part, Linxi collected a questionnaire on the Chinese Internet in advance: “As a woman, what do you want to say to women?” and she read most of the answers in both Chinese and English. In the fifth part, Andrea Hammes, a local musician from Dals Långed (Sweden), led audiences from inside to outside, singing a Swedish lullaby by the lake.


作品分为5个部分,第一个部分发生在“linxi的花园linxi恋爱脑女性主义的两个角度出发的两端独白。第二和第四部分是由三个女性组成的完美主妇,她们先是重复地做着家务劳动,然后又在第四部分毁掉了所有东西。第三部分,linxi提前在中国的互联网上征集了一个调查问卷作为女性,你最想对女性说的一句话是什么?,并在现场用中文和英语读了部分回答。第五部分,瑞典 Dals Långed当地音乐家Andrea Hammes带领人们从室内走向室外,在湖边演唱了一首瑞典童谣。

Special thanks for:Andrea Hammes, Josefine Lundgren, Banchao Lu, Olivia Mills, Wania Rönning,

Photography : Masashi Rai, Lukas Lorey